Friday, December 01, 2006

Get Rid Of Your Clutter: Focus On What You

Author: Alison Perry
Word Count: 392
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Author's Email Address: alison_perry[at] (replace
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================== ARTICLE START ==================
I've started working more and more with attraction both for
myself and with my clients. Some of you may already have heard
of the Universal Law of Attraction. For those that haven't here
is a short overview:

You get what you focus on. So if you are focusing on what you
want you will get more of it. Conversely the opposite is true.

It's the feelings we have which draw things towards us. Spend
time getting into the 'feeling' place of what you really want.

Take positive inspired action with what you want always in
mind. Action gets the wheels in motion.

The more and more you work in this way the better things
become. You will begin to notice pleasant synchronicities
during your day and then once the wheels are really in motion
positive things will begin to happen frequently and

So How is This relevant to Clutter?

We see our clutter as mainly negative. Something we want to
move away from. It's uninspiring, it drags us down and limits

So the less time we spend thinking and worrying about it . the
better .

1) So what do you want? How do you want your environment to be?
This is what you focus on!
Here are some words that may describe your ideal environment:

cosy, clear, clean, bright, organized, homely, fresh, relaxed,
ordered, effective, stylish, new, calm, modern, antique,

What are your words?

2) Spend time nourishing your vision of your ideal environment.
How will you feel in this environment? Close your eyes. Imagine
how it will be. Some people find it helpful to build collages
of their ideal environment; others like to write it down. Some
just like to visualize in their minds eye. How will you get
into the zone of what you want?

The stronger your vision and your positive feelings are the
quicker you will move towards what you want. Then the easier it
will be to move away from a cluttered way of life to the way of
life that you actually want and choose to create.

3) What inspired action can you take today to move you towards
your ideal environment?

Happy Creating!

About The Author: Shed your physical and emotional clutter and
find your true self and unlimited potential. Happiness starts
with being the real, authentic you. I help clients access
their, sometimes lost, authentic selves and realize their
desires. To start your journey straightaway:

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