Thursday, November 16, 2006

10 Incredible Ways to Make People Click

10 Incredible Ways To Make People Click

1. Use psychological techniques when designing your banner
ads. Asking people not to select the link to your banner ad
may actually cause the exact opposite response. You could
say for example, "Don't Click Here If You Have All the
Money You Need."

2. Add as much appeal to your banner ad as you can. Words
such as supreme, compelling, exciting, and intense are
examples of words you should use. What you state in your ad
should directly relate to what you offer.

3. Highlight the markdown price for a product in your
banner ad copy. This will get the attention of many people.
Try using various discounting methods, such as 5% off the
regular price, $5.00 off today only, or get one free when
you buy one.

4. Use a testimonial on your banner ad. This'll give
people proof they aren't wasting their time clicking
on your banner ad. The testimonial should include
enough information so they understand the offer.

5. Use a celebrity or well-known individual on your banner
ad to stand for your product, Internet site, or service.
People will select your banner because the opinion of these
people carries more weight than yours.

6. Include a powerful promise on your banner ad. You could
add the promise as a heading for your ad. The promise could
offer to give the customer two or three times as much as
they paid for the product if they are not satisfied.

7. Inform people to click on your banner ad. A novice
Internet user might be unaware that they can click on
banners. Simply adding the phrase "click here" to your
banner will boost your clickthroughs.

8. You could create a promotion allowing people to try your
product before they buy it. People will take this to mean
they have nothing to lose when they click your banner ad.

9. Explain to people the main advantage of your product,
Internet site or service on your banner ad. Your advantage
might be weight loss, more energy, dollar savings, earn
more money, etc.

10. You could offer a product for free on your banner ad.
Getting something for free is one thing all people love.
You should associate the free offer to the people you want
to target. If the free offer is appealing to them they will
select your banner.

Scott Geld serves as the V.P of Marketing for Marketing
Blaster Feel free to contact him with any feedback
or questions about this article or any marketing topic:

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