Thursday, November 16, 2006

Viral Marketing III

Viral Marketing - Secrets Revealed Part III

In our last article,we have talked about the wisdom of distributing e-articles and e-books. Let us analyse if there are any other marketing tricks which can of considerable use in Web Marketing.

One viral technique is to create a freeware program and distribute it free. In that freeware you should scatter links to your site. This will create a lot of visitors, provided the software is good quality. The fame of your company will spread like wildfire. Provided the software is good, you will get a lot of hits to your site. Word of mouth publicity about your company and your software will spread all over the Net.

Another strategy is to create " Tell it to a friend ". This simple script can be installed in less than an hour and this facility allows visitors to your site to recommend your site to their friends. Their friends will definitely
visit your site as human beings tend to believe their friends.

Another trick is to install greeting cards on your site. All people want to send e-cards to their relatives & friends in order to do so they will visit your site. Each card contains a link to your site which will produce
an appreciable amount of traffic. This is one of the most powerful of all viral techniques.

Another technique is to incorporate a free searchengine submission program on the site and advertise that your site has a free submission program. Many site owners will visit your site for free submission. You can advertise
the free submission program in your sig file and in your ezine ads. It will look like this

"FREE! Free submission to 10 search engines.Visit
and submit to Altavista, Yahoo, Amazon, Ebay, Looksmart and build
incredible traffic at no cost ! "

Another trick is to hold a contest and advertise that your site is holding a contest. This will bring tremendous traffic on your site as people tend to be drawn to intellectual contests which tests their skill. This is an opportunity for people to pass away their time, test their IQ and MQ & also get some gifts.

Distributing ball-pens with the name of your dotcom imprinted on them helps in spreading the word. You can offer it as a gift to your customers or to people who come to enquire in your shop.

Distributing T-shirts with the name of your dotcom printed on them is another marketing trick. You can kill two birds with one stone. You have given freebies to your potential customers and you have spread the word
about your dotcom!

All your offline promotion material should have your url address imprinted on it along with your email address. Business cards should be distributed freely to whomsoever you come into contact. Make it a point to distribute
at least 3 business cards in a day. Marketing is the life-blood of business!

In your articles, you can promote not only your products but also your friend's products. For example, my friend AK Selvraraj has written a book which I promote in my articles on Philosophy. The theme of Self Actualisation is highlighted and an excellent book for achieving that objective is referred.
Eg. Click here

In your articles, you can recommend your friend's products, the products of the affiliate programs you have signed up & you can give links to your friend's sites ( and ask them for a reciprocal link ). You can sign up for many affiliate programs and then promote these products through your writing !

After writing articles, submitting them is another Herculean task. My method of Article Submission is as follows.

After writing my first article on AstroNumerology, I went to & typed Numerology Submit Article.

The Search showed 1600. I went to each of the links and submitted my article.

Most of the intellectual websites have a Submit Article Webpage wherein they say "Share your Expertise and Profile your business". You will not be paid monetarily but you will get Free Advertising in return as the bio shows who you are. So this is the practical way to do it. Go the Search Engines, type Subject Subject
Article and submit your article to the links that appear as Searches.

Group Lists

Group Lists are considered as a goldmine of marketing. There are so many groups listed on and

What you do is to go to these sites and type in the name of your subject. I typed Yoga in and got 458 lists. I subscribed to all. I post my messages to them once a week. I got 40 lists on Astrology from I subscribed to them. I post regularly and the people on the list see my posts. My posts contain my url address & my email address. People on the list see the post and visit my site or contact me via email. On the first day I received an order for 40 ebooks. Next day also. Many subscribed to my Ezine, the Z Files. Traffic increased considerably because of this method. Hope you will do the same.

On the Net, success depends on Marketing. Benjamin Franklin talked about improving our 13 skills which will lead to millions, the greatest of which is adcopywriting. Marketing skill is another. Promote, promote
& promote !

Happy promoting!

Article by G Kumar, Astrologer, writer & programmer of Recently he was awarded a Certificate by the Planetary Gemologists Association Global ( ) as a Planetary Gem Advisor. He has 25 years psychic research experience in the esoteric arts. To subscribe to his free informative Ezine, the Z Files His Astro blog is up at & his Philosophy blog is Mobile 091 9388556053

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