Monday, November 27, 2006

Dan Kennedy-the millionaire maker introduces the harsh reality approach

Copyright (c) 2006 Steven Gerber
Quick Turn Marketing International, Ltd.

Among the companies which collapsed in a lifespan of three years,
what could have been the hole in the bucket which was sustained
for two years but failed on the third? The product quality? The
insufficient capital? Or the lack of advice from a pro? In any
way, there is a man who could point out the root of failure and
give straightforward solutions. And he'll hit it right to the

In almost every topic as long as it falls under business
category, name it and Dan Kennedy has the say. He is recognized
internationally for his practical advices that can overturn
bankruptcy to a Fortune 500 company. And for those who want to
start a career in business in a non-conventional way, Dan Kennedy
can guide you to a new and better perspective. He is a superb
guru in the marketing field providing success in a way no other

Dan Kennedy uses a fashion of provocative and sometimes sarcastic
way that cuts directly to the core of the matter. He deviates
from the idealistic point of view because he sees the potentials
of failure or success in a more realistic line of attack. He was
able to infuse his humor to present the harsh realities in the
web market. These all took him to be the leading consultant of
many fields in the business.

His circle of clienteles ranges from sole proprietorships to
companies and titanic corporations. And testimonies of
debtor-turned-millionaire clients had inspiring stories to tell.
For instance, there was a couple whom Dan Kennedy rescued from a
failing advertising business. In a matter of two years, a new
mail-order letter generated their income which hiked to 250
thousand dollars monthly. Another Guthy Renker Corporation where
Dan Kennedy served as a pillar is now a profit-generating $200M

Dan Kennedy is the genius behind the remarkable pages of striking
ads among the distinguished publications such as USA Today, The
Wall Street Journal, Success and the list of magazines goes on.
You'll easily know that Dan Kennedy has had a touch in it when
you spot the work of a pro.

Because of an astonishing talent in resolving marketing failures,
Dan Kennedy had also been a speaker in numerous business
engagements. He has proven to be the master of the platform in
marketing related techniques which also had molded him as an
outstanding entrepreneur. The applications of his philosophies
are seen in his own business.

Dan Kennedy has established a name not only as a speaker, but as
a writer as well. So what else do you expect to be the topic of
his writings? Will anyone be any better than Dan Kennedy in
business tools formula?

No wonder, Dan Kennedy is hard to spot just being in one place.
He is the person who gets tired when he is doing nothing. The
revenues that other people gain because his teachings are the
sources of his adrenaline. He manages to tend to his own business
while assisting others who come to seek his help.

So if you think you need to gain orientation on the philosophies,
strategies, effective techniques and practical applications on
any angle of business, there is only one person you need-Dan
Kennedy has the solution to it all.

Steven Gerber is a professional copywriter and
marketing consultant with more than 8 years of
expertise. He is a protégé student of Dan Lok -
The World's #1 Website Conversion Expert, and
in Steven's totally biased opinion simply THE
BEST. You'll find the latest internet marketing
techniques and tricks at:

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