Sunday, November 19, 2006

Dealing with Difficult Customers

By: Mary Eule

Responding to angry, disgruntled and frustrated customers
can be very stressful, especially over the phone. However,
I strongly believe that this is precisely the time when
businesses have a golden opportunity to shine.

Think of it this way. it's easy to be polite and upbeat
when things are going great. but way too many business
owners underestimate the value of training their employees
in the fine art of dealing with difficult customers;
demonstrating the "right way" and tolerating nothing less.

Sidebar: Before I continue, some words of caution.
Employees are much more willing, and able, to arrive at
positive solutions for unhappy customers if they are armed
with the tools necessary to make this happen. the most
important being, empowerment.

If you cripple your employees' ability to "turn lemons into
lemonade" I've consulted with many companies that cripple
their employees by severely restricting their ability to
"make good".

They erroneously claim that they will "give away the farm"
(the old, "give 'em an inch and they'll take a mile"
syndrome.) without ever considering the amount of money
they're losing on lost customers; rotten word of mouth;
excessive employee turnover; wasted phone time, stress, etc.

I cringe every time I hear this! If you don't believe me,
go to your nearest bookstore and buy a copy of "The
Nordstrom Way" (Spector and McCarthy) and see if reading
that changes your mind!

One of the unexpected pleasures you and your employees will
derive from really, really pleasing a miserable customer is
the joy it brings! No, this is not "
touchy-feely-warm-and-fuzzy-psychobabble" . just try it and
you'll see.

Remember, no matter what "business" you're in - whether
you're a doctor, lawyer, retailer, non-profit organization,
wholesaler, consultant, etc. you are there to serve. As one
of my mentors, Zig Zieglar, said best, "The more you help
other people get what they want, the more you'll get what
you want.".

So, be grateful to that irate customer who snaps you awake,
and presents you with an intriguing psychological challenge
and often winds up becoming your most loyal customer!

Tips for Dealing with "Distressed" Customers

1.No matter how angry or unreasonable your customer is,
your ultimate three goals are to:

* Calm them down * Communicate your
understanding of their problem, empathize, fix it and
* Hear a hearty "thank you!" when it's over

2. Making it Happen

* Smile (as you answer the phone (yes, people can really
tell) or greet the customer in person

* Introduce yourself enthusiastically . For example,
"Hi,my name is John. we're glad you called the XXX Company
today! How can I help you?"

* Once they've told you the reason for their call, it's
important to:

- Let them know that you will personally handle their
complaint - Apologize and acknowledge their feelings
- Sympathize and draw them out - Prepare to
help, ask questions, and convey personalcaring -
Keep the volume of your voice normal, not loud - Slow
your speech down a bit and lower your pitch

These techniques will have immediate calming effects and
place you in control of the conversation in a
non-threatening way. Note their name - then use it! It's
the sweetest word(s) in any language. but make sure you ask
the proper pronunciation if you're not sure! Also:
* Give them your undivided attention: They're already
unhappy, so don't make it worse by making them feel that
you're not really "there" - e.g. don't look around - keep
your eyes focused on them; no rustling papers; answering
other calls; etc.

* Listen carefully and take notes: The vast majority of
customer complaints are legitimate. so this should always
be your first assumption. Write important information down
to ensure accuracy; help you get to the bottom of the
problem; avoid making the customer repeat themselves and
make it easier for you to relate the situation to someone
else if needed.

* Echo key points: This will go a long way in reassuring
the customers and make certain that you understand the
"heart" of their complaint. "ask the question behind the
question." * Provide a resolution: A great question
to ask is: "How can I best resolve this for you?

* Lead them to a solution: Remember, if you're contact
personnel are not empowered offer a solution the process
make break down here

*Thank them for calling or visiting: Also, apologize for
any inconvenience they've experienced and let them know
that you work hard every day to ensure that every customer
experience is delightful, and you will continue to do so.

* Update their customer account to reflect your
conversation and resolution: This ensures that other
employees can get up to speed, if needed. Additionally,
make sure that you follow-up with anyone else involved in
the "fix" within 24 hours!

3. Put Stress in Prospective

Unhappy customers can cause stress but it's important to
remember that their anger is not personal. They are annoyed
at a problem, not you. Sometimes they just need to vent. If
you suspect this, it's often a good idea to let them go on
a bit.

4. Helpful Phrases to Use

* How can I help you? * Thanks so much for your
patience and cooperation

* Sir, could you please explain the situation so I help you
resolve this?

* I'm so sorry to hear that. I don't blame you for being
frustrated. I believe I would as well.

* Let's work together to resolve this, shall we?

* I can see why you feel that way.

* I see what you mean.

* That must be upsetting.

* I understand how frustrating this must be for you and I
really appreciate your patience.

5. Phrases to Avoid at All Costs

* Our policy is.

* Calm down!

* What's your problem?

* That's not our fault!

* I can't help it if my employee was rude.

* I'm not going to repeat this again.

* Listen to me.

* I can't.

* Why don't you be reasonable?

* There's nothing else I can do. 6. Ways to Remain Cool

* Tell yourself it's futile to allow another person to ruin
your day, then don't let that happen.

* Remind yourself that you're a professional and know how
to deal with this situation in that manner.

* If you want to solve the problem quickly, don't throw
fuel on the fire.

* Understand how good you'll feel when you look back with
pride on how you handled a difficult

7. How to Deal with Anger

There are a few customers use "bullying" as a means to
intimate others personally and professionally. Whatever
their reasons for "being mad at the world," they may take
advantage of any excuse to "get back". This type of
interaction, although rare, presents added challenges but
if you know how to deal with them correctly, your stress
will be greatly diminished.

No person should have to tolerate behavior that crosses
certain boundaries. Abusive language can be dealt with
immediately with a firm, "Mr./Ms. Smith, excuse me, I want
to help you, but I cannot permit you to use unprofessional
language." Nearly always, this results in an apology.

Using the customer's name and, if appropriate, formal title
improves the chances of this working. If not, this person
must be handed off; put on hold; or terminated with a
statement such as, "I'm sorry, this cannot continue."

Any incident that goes this far, harassing, and/or threats
of violence should be reported to other employees or
supervisors and/or the proper authorities.

Bottom Line: Your most loyal customers are not the ones who
have never experienced a problem with your company. Rather
they're the customers whose problems were solved the right

Article Source:

Mary Eule has a BA in Journalism/English from the University of Maryland and earned her a master's degree in marketing from Johns Hopkins University. Log onto her website: for free articles, newsletter and helpful marketing tools, tips and templates. and/or to purchase the book.

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